mercredi 8 décembre 2010

My Sister in the AJC Newspaper!

Did I ever mention that I am sooo proud of my sister who was in the Atlanta Journal Constitution? The newspaper did a peice about her weightloss and I just wanted to share her success story with you!

She went from this:

To This...

Read the Article Here!

9 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

thanks for visiting my blog on the hop! Your sister looks great, and I'm sure you were proud of her even BEFORE her weightloss!

Giveaways for Mom a dit…

Following from Mid Week Mingle!

Congrats to your sister!

Kelly~ Wave of Life Surf Studio a dit…

Great pics!

Hi there! I am your newest follower from the Wednesday blog hop~ I would love it if you stopped by and returned the love :)

Unknown a dit…

I'm you newest follower from the Wednesday blog hops! Come check out my blog at:

Have a great day!

Unknown a dit…

Cool, I stand to lose a few pounds! I wonder what her secret is?

k a dit…

congrats to her!

Gina Alfani a dit…

Thanks for following my blog . . . I am following you back!

Congrats to your sister on her weight loss . . . not an easy thing to do!!

Have a wonderful day . . . Gina
. . . and many more!

fittingbackin a dit…

Very cool!! She looks just beautiful!

Savoir Affaire a dit…

You won't believe this but, my weightloss sister has started a youtube page chronologing her weightloss! yayyy!