jeudi 9 décembre 2010

Charming Georgia Blogs II

Nothing says Southern Hospitality like these 
Charming Georgia Blogs!
On this cold December day, stay warm and browse a bit!

Happy Thursday!

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I am so checking these blogs out! a dit…

can get honorable mention even though its not a traditional blog? lol

Eliz Frank a dit…

Stopping by/commenting back from your visit to my blog - Positive Kismet...Thank you!
I'm already a follower of your blog.
Have a Happy Holiday Season!

fittingbackin a dit…

Thanks for the sweet, shout! :) I appreciate it - and can't wait to check out these other bloggies!!

Erika Ward a dit…

Hi there! Thanks so much for the mention! So glad that we could meet. I'll be sure to check out your other recommendations,too!

Carlton Mackey a dit…

Thanks so much for the support. I genuinely appreciate it. It's always great to see your comments. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to work together in the new year.

Brandi Nell a dit…

Thanks for the mention! Have a great day!!

Sarah Cook a dit…

Thanks for the mention! I did make those stockings--I'm surprised you couldn't tell by their tell-tale "home made" awkwardness :)